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Oct 26, 2020

Good morning, good morning! I incorporated an introspective left hand melody into the opening measures of this improvisation. It combines with a sunny right hand for a cheery motivator on your Monday morning. - Josh

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Oct 21, 2020

Good morning, good morning! Today's installment is a groovy little ditty that fell down during an afternoon session. Close your eyes and breathe. Clear your mind and relax. Enjoy the moment. -Josh

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Oct 12, 2020

Good morning, good morning! Today is another day. Take a cleansing breath, shake loose of your constraints, and go. I felt the need to play something in contrast to the previous episode, so I approached this improvisation with unbridled optimism. Enjoy!


Oct 5, 2020

Good morning, good morning! Last night I had a bad dream. It was your typical anxiety dream where nothing seems to go right. Instead of escaping upon awakening, the dream informed my entire morning. As an artist, I decided to embrace the emotion for today's improvisation. It was cleansing. Thank you for allowing me...